[Lista-Algas] MS Grad Assistantship: Marine Communi ty Ecology – Northern California
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
Tue Jan 22 15:30:25 ART 2008
MS Grad Assistantship
Marine Community Ecology – Northern California
Karina Nielsen is seeking applications from students interested in
completing an MS degree in marine community ecology with a focus on
macroalgal ecology and coastal oceanography (including a research
assistantship and tuition waiver) as part of a Collaborative NSF project
between Karina Nielsen’s lab at Sonoma State University
(http://www.sonoma.edu/biology/faculty/karina_nielsen.html) and the labs of
Bruce Menge (http://lucile.science.oregonstate.edu/?q=node/view/16) and
Sally Hacker (http://zoology.science.oregonstate.edu/?q=hackers) at
Oregon State University. The goal of the NSF project is to understand
how variability in oceanographic subsidies such as nutrients and
phytoplankton influences benthic community structure in the northern
California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. The research assistantship
will involve extensive field work on rocky shores in northern California
(primarily) and Oregon.
Qualifications: BA or BS degree in Biology, Ecology, or other related
field with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Candidates with prior research
experience in field ecology or marine biology, and evidence of strong
writing and quantitative skills will be given preference. Applicants
must also meet the requirements for admission to the MS program in
Biology at Sonoma State University (for details see
Support: 2 years of funding at $16,600/year including a tuition waiver.
Additional funding may be available from teaching assistantships and the
university fee waiver program.
Information about the Department of Biology:
Information about the graduate program at Sonoma State University:
How to apply to the SSU graduate program and this position:
1. Follow the instructions for applying to SSU's Biology Graduate
Program described on this webpage:
2. Send an email to Karina Nielsen (karina.nielsen at sonoma.edu)
including: 1) a brief letter of intent describing why you are interested
in the position and 2) a CV (or resume).
For additional information about the project contact:
Dr. Karina Nielsen
email: karina.nielsen at sonoma.edu
phone: 707.664.2962
For full consideration, applications for Fall 2008 should be submitted
by 31 January 2008; applications for Spring 2009 may be considered if
the position is not filled before then.
Karina J. Nielsen
Department of Biology
Sonoma State University
1801 E Cotati Ave
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
email: karina.nielsen at sonoma.edu
voice: 707.664.2962
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