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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] ISAP 2008 reminder

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Tue Jan 8 14:05:30 ART 2008

ISAP 2008 

3rd Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology and the 11th International Conference on Applied Phycology

will be held at the National University of Ireland, Galway 21st to 27th  of June 2008 and will be hosted by the Martin Ryan Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway

Information and registration at

 The abstract deadline for the 11th International Conference on Applied Phycology which is the 31st of January.


We have the following key note speakers confirmed:

Monday the 23rd of June - Professor Michael A. Borowitzka, Algae and biofuels: Quo vadis?

Tuesday the 24th of June - Professor Geoffrey Codd, Toxic Algae and Algal Blooms

Thursday the 26th of June - Professor Rocky de Nys, Integrated aquaculture, a tropical perspective from Down Under


Furthermore we have 10 mini symposia confirmed and organized amongst them

Open vs. Closed: the great photobioreactor debate; 

Photosynthetic efficiency: the Holy Grail; 

Microlagae as natural source for  carotenoids and PUFAS; 

Biofuels and CO2 bioremediation

Chemical Ecology; 

Algae as bio-monitors and use in bioremediation and environmental protection; 

Algae in plant, animal and human nutrition; health, quality and safety issues

Micro and macroalgae as feed ingredient in aquaculture; 

Bioturbation of artificial substrates by terrestrial microalga



There is still room available for 1 or 2 mini symposia, therefore people who are interested in organizing one on a specific subject, please contact me

New is the link for student grants (see

Hope to see you all in Galway in 2008

Stefan Kraan

Chair local organizing committee






Dr Stefan Kraan

Manager, Irish Seaweed Centre             

Martin Ryan Institute                                         Ph: 353-91-493920

National University of Ireland, Galway            Other email:Kraanska at

Galway Ireland                                       

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