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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] 47th Annual Northeast Algal Symposium - First Announcement

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Wed Feb 6 17:52:53 ART 2008

First Announcement

You are invited to participate in

"The Globalization of Phycology via the Internet"


April 18-20, 2008

The University of New Hampshire
Durham, New Hampshire, USA
Registration & Abstract deadlines Monday, March 24, 2008


The Northeast Algal Society will convene its annual meeting and symposium at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, NH on the weekend of April 18-20, and will include a wide range of oral and poster presentations pertaining to the many facets of Phycology.  As is always the case, the 2008 NEAS meeting will provide a relaxed and informal environment for students and professionals alike to meet colleagues, exchange ideas and make new friends.  Awards will be presented for outstanding student posters and oral presentations. NEAS members take great pride in our commitment to student advancement and extend an especially warm welcome to all students.


Our theme this year is "Globalization of Phycology via the Internet" and we are thrilled to have Dr. Michael Guiry as our key-note speaker.   We hope that professionals will consider giving talks that provide their vision of the roll of Internet tools and global databases in the future of Phycology.


The talks and poster sessions will be held in the UNH Memorial Union Building; lunch will be at the award-winning Holloway Commons. A Friday evening reception and the Saturday night banquet & auction will be held at the New England Center (NEC). Hotel rooms have been reserved at the NEC Hotel and rates are $127.50 per night for a single or double room. Double rooms at the New England Center shared by students will be partially subsidized by the NEAS Development Fund and will be only $50 per room per night; but this is limited to the first 20 rooms, so register early. You will be able to reserve and pay for your room along with you NEAS registration. 


For those of you who need to apply to college travel programs for support (especially students), the registration will be $85.00 for students & retired members and $135 for professionals.   The registration fee includes NEAS membership dues, the Friday evening reception, the Saturday banquet, breaks and lunch on Saturday and Sunday.


A 2nd circular will be available in late February and will include details for online registration, abstract submission, room reservations, and information on prizes for early registration & abstracts, how to donate auction items and judging criteria for student presentations. All NEAS members will automatically receive the 2nd circular.  If you are not a current member and wish to receive the 2nd circular, please contact Chris Neefus (chris.neefus at


For more information please contact Chris Neefus (chris.neefus at or Anita Klein (anita.klein at 

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