Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Central European Diatom Meeting & Workshop "Ecology and taxonomy of benthic diatoms in oligotrophic habitats"

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Fri Feb 1 20:39:37 ART 2008

Dear colleagues,

the 2nd Central European Diatom Meeting (CEDiatoM2, = 22. DDT) will be held in Trento (Northern Italy), from the 12th (Thursday) to the 15th (Sunday) of June 2008. We hope that many of you will have the possibility to come, present their work on diatoms, and have a good time in the southern Alps in late spring. Do not hesitate to spread this information to your colleagues and students.

Information and registration form: 
Important deadlines:

    - Deadline to send back the registration form with the titles of your presentations and posters: March 14th, 2008 

    -  Deadline to send the abstracts: April 14th, 2008

E-mail: bertuzzi at


Best regards,
Marco Cantonati & Ermanno Bertuzzi


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The Congress will be followed by the Workshop "Ecology and taxonomy of benthic diatoms in freshwater oligotrophic habitats", that will be held in the Limnological Station of the Museum at Lake Tovel from the 15th to the 20th of June 2008. The Workshop / practical course is open to 15 students (MSc and PhD). Interested people are invited to send an application stating why they need / are interested in attending the Workshop and a short CV within the 4th of April. Information and links to the Programme and Circular are available at: 

E-mail: tardio at


Best wishes

Marco Cantonati & Massimiliano Tardio


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Dr Marco Cantonati
Trentino Nature & Science Museum
Keeper of the Limnology and Phycology Section
Via Calepina 14
I-38100 Trento
Tel.: ++39-0461-270342
Fax: ++39-0461-270376
Cell.: ++39-320-9224755
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