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Andrés Boltovskoy (G) anboltov at
Tue Dec 2 20:21:58 ART 2008

Balogh International - Biopress Publishing  
Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa, Band 6. Dinophyceae (Dinoflagellida). Jirí Popovský & L. Pfiester. 1990, Reprinted 2008. ISBN: 978-3-8274-2098-5. 272 pp. Softcover. $109.00 This volume is a compilation of Dinophyceae which are of interest to phycologists and protozoologists. Since it is very difficult to classify of the unicellular organisms as plants or animals two approaches can be found to the classification of dinoflagellates - the botanical and zoological. We have employed the phycological (botanical) approach in our textbook. However, we view the dinoflagellates as protists which exhibit both plant and animal features. This also holds true for the marine dinoflagellates which are richer in number of genera and species than their freshwater counterparts. Classically phycologists divided dinoflagellates into monads, rhizopods, coccals, capsals and trichals based on morphology. During our studies of freshwater dinoflagellates we have observed and recorded stages transcendent among these forms. We have also lumped many poorly described species. We have listed in the appendix all the freshwater species known. Thus we face a dilemma wether to compile dinoflagellates according to classical systematics or to use the classical approach inserting new information. We have chosen the latter.
A taxonomic guide to some common marine phytoplankton. by Rita A. Horner. 9/2002. This Guide contains photographs, descriptions and distribution records of 134 species, it includes descriptions of major taxonomic groups of phytoplankton that have harmful or potentially harmful species (diatoms, dinoflagellates, raphidophytes, prymnesiophytes and silicoflagellates), a discussion of sampling methods and sample analysis protocols, a glossary of terms pertinent to phytoplankton and references. It provides easy identification for both amateurs and professionals. hardback, 195 + v. pages, 134 color plates, 6 mono and 3 line drawings. ISBN 0-948737-65-4. $138.00 
Freshwater Red Algae of the World. Shigeru KUMANO. due April 2002. Fully comprehensive flora of the freshwater red algae Rhodophyta) with descriptions and illustrations of the morphology of the life cycle stages. 375 pp + xiv. 199 B&W plates. ISBN 0-948737-60-3. $168.00
Bird, C.J. & J.L. McLachlan. 1992. Seaweed Flora of the Maritimes. 1. Rhodophyta-the Red Algae. comprehensive account of most common red algae of the Canadian Maritime Provinces, which also extend to Cape Cod and around coasts of Northern Europe. 177 p. 65 plates.  Trade Cloth ISBN 0-948737-18-2.  $128.00 
Canter-Lund, Hilda & J. Lund. 1995. Freshwater algae. Their microscopic world explored. This is a fantastic book! Covers all the algae groups, descriptions, anatomy, etc and is illustrated with spectacular color and B&W photos- but mainly color photos. Can be used as a phycology textbook. 360 pages. 646 photos in all. Trade Cloth ISBN 0-948737-25-5.  $194.00
Marino, D. & M. Montresor. 1995. Proceedings of the 13th International Diatom Symposium. Major topics covered: Ecophysiology of marine and freshwater diatoms; Diatoms as a marker of climate changes and anthropogenic impact; life histories and their ecological significance; Ecology of marine and brackish water diatoms; Ecology of freshwater diatoms; Morphology & taxonomy; Diatoms as a tool for paleoenvironment reconstruction; Workshop. 566 p.  Trade Cloth ISBN 0-948737-35-2. $180.00
Progress in Phycological Research: Vols 2-8 each $130.00; volumes 9-13 $170.00 each (ISBNs: Library Binding ISBN 0-948737-00-X. Vol. 4 1986 481p., Edited by D. J. Chapman;  Library Binding ISBN 0-948737-03-4, Vol 5 1987 299p. D. J. Chapman; Library Binding ISBN 0-948737-07-7. Vol. 6 1988 286p., D. J. Chapman; Library Binding ISBN 0-948737-13-1. Vol. 7 1990 330p., Edited by D. J. Chapman;  volume 8,  Library Binding ISBN 0-948737-17-4. 1992. 278p.; Library Binding ISBN 0-948737-19-0.Vol. 9 1993 376p., Edited by D. J. Chapman; Vol. 10, Library Binding ISBN 0-948737-20-4. 1994. 209p.  
* Volume 11. Edited by F. E. Round & D. J. Chapman. 1995. Contents: Iron and the marine phytoplankton community - D.A. Hutchins; Developmental signals and their transduction in fucoid algae - F.Berger & C. Brownlee; Brown algal pheromones - I. Maier; The Microbial Marketplace - trade-offs at the chemocline of meromictic lakes - P. Tyler; Introduced marine plants with special reference to macroalgae: mechanisms and impact - M.A. Ribera & C.-F. Boudouresque; Cyanobiont-host interactions in the Azolla association - A. Canini & M. Grilli Caiola; Carrageenans and agars, red algal polysaccharides - J. Cosson, E. Deslandes, M. Zinoun & A. Mouradi-Givernaud.   Trade Cloth ISBN 0-948737-40-9. 
* Volume 12. Edited by F. E. Round & D. J. Chapman. 1997. Contents: The biology of Enteromorpha (Poole & Raven), Infectious diseases of marine algae: current knowledge and approaches (JA Correa), The use of algae in aquatic toxicity assessment (K. Haglund), Seaweed and remote sensing: a critical review of sensors and data processing (B. Guillaumont, et al), Turbulence-phytoplankton interrelationships (WH Thomas, et al). 324 pp. approx.  Trade Cloth ISBN 0-948737-50-6.  
* volume 13. by F.E. Round & D.J. Chapman, 1999. There are 3 in depth articles: Chapter 1 "Phytochelatins in microalgae" by Beth Ahner & Francois Morel. Chapter 2 "Picophytoplankton" by John A. Raven. Chapter 3 "Towards a new classification of the brown algae" by Bruno de Reviers & Florence Rousseau. ISBN 0-948737-55-7. 201 pp. illustrated with line drawings. 
Reisser, W. 1992. Algae and Symbioses: Plants, Animals, Fungi, Viruses, Interactions Explored. 750 p. Trade Cloth ISBN 0-948737-15-8.  $176.00
Round, F.E. 1988. Algae and the Aquatic Environment (Contributions in honour of J.W.G. Lund, CBE, FRS). 24 articles covering a range of topics in aquatic studies. 460 p.  Trade Cloth ISBN 0-948737-06-9.  $156.00
Sims (editor) at al. 1996. Atlas of British diatoms. This comprehensive set of illustrations of freshwater and marine diatoms provides diatomists for the first time with detailed scale drawings of some 2,000 species. This encompasses all the common species, most of which are world-wide in distribution. The illustrations are mainly the work of H.G. Barber and thus in a uniform style and magnification. Some additional plates have been provided by J.R. Carter and all have been admirably rearranged in an alphabetical order of genera and species by B. Hartley to form a user-friendly guide to the identification of this most abundant group of organisms. The only comparable work is Schmidt's Atlas which was published between 1874 and 1959 but that Atlas has the species scattered. The present Atlas clusters the species (e.g. 42 plates of Navicula) and will form a major source book with the classification having been brought up to date. The authors have an extremely detailed knowledge of diatoms (well over 100 years in total experience) with a deep understanding of the variation during the growth cycle - this is illustrated by multiple drawings of most taxa. In all there are over 7,000 illustrations, approx. 600 pages. hardcover.  Trade Cloth ISBN 0-948737-45-X.  $180.00
Wiessner, W. , E. Schnepf and R. C. Starr. 1995. Algae, Environment and Human Affairs. This book originates from papers presented by specialists at a high-powered international symposium at which modern aspects of the interaction of Algae, Environment and Human Affairs were discussed. The emphasis is on the impact of modern research on algae which is widening the awareness of the global importance of these organisms to man. hardcover.  Trade Cloth ISBN 0-948737-30-1. 258p.  $126.00 
 (Shipping is extra) 

Scott Balogh
Balogh International Inc
1911 N. Duncan Rd, Champaign, Illinois 61822 USA
ph: +1 217 355 9331; fax: +1 217 355 9413
scott at

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