[Lista-Algas] ¿Quién se anima?
Andrés Boltovskoy (G)
anboltov at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 18:19:51 ART 2008
3 oportunidades de trabajo
Bangor University, School of Ocean Sciences in North Wales is seeking a Marine Biology Lecturer (Grade 7: £29,705 - £35,469 p.a.)
Applications are invited from candidates for a 5 year lectureship (May 2009 - July 2014) in the School to replace Professor David Thomas whilst he is working away from Bangor.
The post will involve:
1) teaching at undergraduate and MSc level in the areas of primary production processes and marine algal physiology (macro- & microalgae) including field courses and large practical classes. Will also involve supervising project work at M degree (8 month projects) and MSc levels (4 month projects).
2) administrative tasks within the School including module organization
3) research
We are particularly interested in candidates with experience of interdisciplinary research who can fully exploit the wide range of expertise and facilities within the School. The appointee will have access to our 35m research ship and a fleet of small vessels for use in estuarine/coastal waters.
This post is equivalent to an Assistant Professor in the USA.
Application forms and further particulars should be obtained by contacting Human Resources, Bangor University; tel: (01248) 382926/388132; e-mail: personnel at bangor.ac.uk; web: www.bangor.ac.uk
Please quote reference number 08-8/79 when applying or asking for further details.
Closing date for applications is Friday 9 January 2009.
Interviews will be held in the week commencing 23 February 2009.
Prof. David Thomas
Ocean Sciences,
College of Natural Sciences,
Bangor University,
Menai Bridge, Anglesey
LL59 5AB
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1248 382878
Web: http://www.sos.bangor.ac.uk/staff/php/staffdetails2.php?person=0050
Please find below a link for a job we are currently advertising at Ifremer, Nantes, France:
alternatively, check our website: www.ifremer.fr then go to professions>job offers>Biochimiste spécialisé-e en biotoxines marines professions>(H\F)
We are looking for a chemist/biochemist to work on:
1. LC-MS method development and validation 2. Molecular interactions of marine micro-organisms and their secondary metabolites with shellfish The position is open until 5 December 2008, is a permanent researcher position and has full pension and health insurance benefits.
We have a strong team of scientists interested in analytical chemistry, phytoplankton culture and shellfish contamination/decontamination. There is also a large equipment pool including 3 LC-MS-MS instruments, small- and pilot-scale photobioreactors and aquaculture facilities.
If you are interested in conducting research in this area, don't hesitate to contact me or my colleagues.
Best regards,
Dr. Philipp Hess
Directeur de Département
Environnement, Microbiologie & Phycotoxines
Ifremer - BP 21105 Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu
Nantes CEDEX 03 France
Tél.: intl. + 33 2 40 37 42 57
Mob.: intl. + 33 6 82 43 88 25
Secr.: intl. + 33 2 40 37 41 92
Fax.: intl. + 33 2 40 37 42 67
mail: Philipp.Hess at ifremer.fr
web: http:\\www.ifremer.fr
A 4-year PhD position in microbial diversity/evolution is available at the Department of Biology, University of Oslo, Norway. Applications and inquiries are invited from qualified, motivated and enthusiastic students wishing to pursue a Ph.D.-degree in microbial diversity and environmental microbiology, with particular emphasis on freshwater environments including their algae, protists and associated organisms. The research group has access to well-equipped pro- and eucaryote culturing facilities, a Roche 454FLX Genome sequencer, and extensive microscopy and bioinformatics infrastructures. The PhD student will be supported by collaborative students and professors within bioinformatics, genomics, taxonomy and field-oriented evolutionary and ecological research.
Deadline for application Dec. 10th. Details at:
Dag Klaveness
Department of Biology
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1066 Blindern
N-0316 Oslo
e-mail: dag.klaveness at bio.uio.no
Tel.: +47 22 85 45 16
SMS : 47 26 11 97
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