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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Enviando por correo electrónico: SLU - Institutionen för miljöanalys.htm

Andres Boltovskoy (M) anboltov at
Tue Apr 15 14:11:44 ART 2008

SLU - Institutionen för miljöanalys
     Institutionen för miljöanalys
      SLU: -------------- Forskning Utbildning Miljöanalys Externa relationer Bibliotek Press Om SLU Mitt SLU Universitetsdjursjukhuset 
      Hem • Personal  • Forskning  • Utbildning  • Miljöövervakning och miljöanalys  • Publikationer  • Datavärdskap  • Analyslaboratorier  • IKEU  • IM  • Samverkan  • Länkar  • Aktuellt  • MVM-klustret  

        Course information
            'Taxonomy, identification and ecology
            of freshwater benthic algae -
            basic course on genus level'  

      Place:  Erken Laboratory, Norr Malma field station, Norrtälje, Sweden

      Organizer:  Maria Kahlert, NORBAF (Nordic Network for Benthic Algae in Freshwater) & Department of Environmental Assessment, SLU, in cooperation with Uppsala University & Nordic Council of Ministers (Nordiska ministerrådet) 

      Time period:  07.07. - 11.07.2008 

      Directed to:  Everybody interested in freshwater benthic algae (requirements: basic microscopial skills) 

      The course will explore the diversity of freshwater benthic algae in middle Sweden with an emphasis on the practical skills required to identify the organisms. Identification will focus on the genus level; if time is available students might learn to identify some algae also to the species level. We will give an in-depth introduction to techniques and literature used for freshwater benthic algae identification.

      The course will be organized as a field course at the Norr Malma field station of the Dept. of Limnology, EBC, Uppsala University. The station is situated at the shoreline of Lake Erken, near the Baltic coast, and surrounded by other lakes of different trophy and pH, as well as streams, wetlands, bogs and fens. In this way, we will have an easy access to the rich algal flora of these freshwater systems. 

      Lecture topics will include: an evolutionary survey, life histories, abundance and distribution, ecological role, environmental assessment and an introduction to methods to investigate benthic algae in freshwater ecosystems. Field trips and hands-on lab work will introduce participants to the techniques essential for collection, identification, and estimation of biomass of freshwater benthic algae. 

      The course will give the participants the practical skills to work with freshwater benthic algae, in research projects, for environmental assessment, in schools and for private use. Participants are encouraged to bring their own collection and they will get help to identify their own algae. 

      We will follow the taxonomy of Prescott, G. W. (1978): 'How to know the freshwater algae', Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, 293 pages and the latest edition of 'Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa', H. Ettl, J. Gerloff, H. Heynig, D. Mollenhauer (eds.), Gustav Fischer Verlag Stuttgart.

      Course leaders:   Maria Kahlert and Roland Bengtsson

      Course fee (incl. food & lodging): 2200 SEK 

      Deadline for application:  30 April 2008
      Please send your application to maria.kahlert at 
      Include your CV and a short description on why you want to go the course.
      Please do not send more than one page!

      Maria Kahlert, Ph.D.
      Institutionen för miljöanalys/Dept. of Environmental Assessment
      Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet/Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
      P.O. Box 7050, SE - 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden 
      Tel.: + 46 - (0)18 - 67 31 45, Fax: + 46 - (0)18 - 67 31 56
      Mobil: + 46 - (0)73 - 732 38 52, Internet:

     Institutionen för miljöanalys
      Box 7050, 750 07 Uppsala • Tel 018-673110 • Fax 018-673156 
      E-post webbansvarig Lars Sonesten
      2008-01-25. Informationsansvarig Willem Goedkoop
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