Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP


Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Mon Oct 1 14:09:42 ART 2007

From: "Hungerford, James M" <james.hungerford at FDA.HHS.GOV>

Dr Ana Gago-Martinez of the University of Vigo and myself are proposing
a symposium and series of Task Force meetings addressing analysis of
marine and freshwater toxins and method validation. Dr Gago-Martinez
would be the primary organizer and conference Chair, and I would chair
the Task Force.

The response to our first conference in April 2005 was very positive,
and many of you have been encouraging us to hold another conference like
the first. Although we have had many other successful AOAC symposia and
other Task Force events since then in the US, holding a meeting in
Europe is important to our goals and allows contributions and
participation from a very talented and diverse group of experts and
stakeholders. In fact, at our Baiona meeting of 2005 we had attendees
and presenters from all over the world at this beautiful and historic
location in the Galicia region of Spain.

Tentative dates for the event are May 25-28, 2008. Specific venue in the
Baiona/Vigo area to be arranged and topics under consideration. All are
encouraged to participate. Most will be industry and government
stakeholders and researchers.

At your earliest convenience, please indicate if you are interested and
likely able to attend, and if so, whether as a presenter or an attendee.
It is too early to solicit posters, oral presentations, or to state
registration fees, but a second mailing will follow.

We look forward to your response in the coming days and we are excited
about the potential of the meeting since many new methods, sensors, etc.
are in development and validation studies are proceeding well.

Please respond to James_Hungerford at  (Preferred to using FDA

James Hungerford, Ph.D.
Chair of AOAC Task Force and GR, Marine and Freshwater Toxins,
Research Chemist
22201 23rd Dr SE
Bothell, WA 98021
Phone 425-483-4894
FAX 425-483-4996
James_Hungerford at

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