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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Aunque más no sea por curiosidad...

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Tue Nov 20 16:03:24 ART 2007

56th Annual Meeting of the British Phycological Society


University of Bristol


3rd - 5th January 2008



Provisional Programme




Thursday January 3


11.30  Registration opens  


12.30  Buffet Lunch 



Session A - Offered papers

13:40  Two primary and one secondary endosymbiosis and the origin of the diatoms

            Klaus Valentin, Bank Beszteri, Ahmed Moustafa, and Debashish Battacharya (Alfred Wegener Institute)

14:00  Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in waterbodies from five European countries (2002-2005)

            James S. Metcalf (University of Dundee) 

14:20  Toxicity of ?-N-methylamino-L-alanine to aquatic organisms.

Esme L. Purdie, Syakirah Samsudin, James S. Metcalf, F. Brian Eddy and Geoffrey A. Codd (University of Dundee)

14:40  Mucilage and cyanotoxins in benthic communities from calcareous streams 

            Marina Aboal, Sergio Marco, Alfonsa García & Brian A. Whitton. (Universidad de Murcia)

15:00  Cyanobacteria with morphological features reflecting two different types of nutrient limitation 

Brian Whitton (University of Durham)

15:20  Cyanobacteria v. Microalgae: who wins in the construction of modern day stromatolites?

Rupert G. Perkins, Jacco C. Kromkamp and R. Pamela Reid (University of Cardiff)


Session B - Offered papers

13:40  Post-fertilization Ca2+ signals co-ordinate zygotic polarization and embryonic cell cycle progression in the brown alga, Fucus serratus

John H. Bothwell, Jolanta Kisielewska, Martin R McAinsh, Colin Brownlee (Marine Biological Association of the UK)

14:00  Interactive effects of UV radiation and temperature on microstages of Laminariales (Phaeophyceae) from the Arctic and North Sea

                                   Ruth Müller, Christian Wiencke and Kai Bischof (Alfred Wegener Institute for Marine und Polar Research, Bremerhaven)

14:20  The self cleaning jetty at Staffa as an example of coastal engineering sustainability practice.

Julian Clokie and John Peden  (John Peden Associates, Argyll)         

14:40  Is innate immunity conserved among brown algae?

Claire MM Gachon, Dieter G Müller, Martina Strittmatter, Frithjof C Küpper (Scottish Association for Marine Science)

15:00  A review of the species of Coralline Algae of the UK

Juliet Brodie (Natural History Museum)



15:40   Tea


Special session - Founders lecture


16:00  Distribution of cyanobacteria on Earth. Why are they almost ubiquitous?

Antonio Quesada (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)


17:00 - 19:00           Free time - (Hotel check-in for those who still need to do so) 


17:00 - 19:00           BPS Council Meeting




19:00                                     Posters session & reception

Friday 4th January


Special Session - Algae and Global Processes


09:00  Introduction to session

Gill Malin (University of East Anglia)

09:05  Changes in phytoplankton biodiversity, the biological pump and climate change

Philip C. Reid (University of Plymouth)

09:35  Marine calcification in a high CO2 world

M. Debora Iglesias-Rodriguez (University of Southampton)

10:05  A genomic perspective on niche adaptation mechanisms in marine picocyanobacteria

Dave Scanlan (University of Warwick)

10:35  New insights from analyzing diatom genomes

Chris Bowler (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, and Stazione Zoologica,)


11:00             Coffee  


11:30  Observing the Global Oceans Dynamics in Phytoplankton

Oscar Schofield, Matt Oliver (Rutgers University)

12:00  Molecular mechanisms triggering phytoplankton mortality in the oceans

Kay Bidle (Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences Rutgers University)

12:30  Connecting algae with clouds

Gill Malin (University of East Anglia)


13:00             Lunch


Special Session - Manton prize


14:00  What does high diversity at the 10km grid scale mean?

           Andrew J Blight, Mark P Johnson, Christine A Maggs & Louise Allcock.

 (Queen's University Belfast)

14:20  Using stable isotope analysis in seaweed biomonitoring studies

Campbell C., Dring M.J & Savidge G (Queen's University Belfast Marine Laboratory)

14:40  Cyanophage active against bloom-forming freshwater cyanobacteria

            Li Deng, Paul Hayes (University of Bristol)

15:00  Charophyte distributions in the Cotswold Water Park

Chloe Onoufriou, Marian Yallop (University of Bristol)


15:20 Tea


15:50  Ultrasonic probe effects on growth and photosynthetic activity of Microcystis aeruginosa

Diane Purcell, Simon Parsons and Bruce Jefferson (Cranfield University)

16:10  The taxonomy and biodiversity of articulated coralline algae in Britain and Ireland

Rachel Walker (Natural History Museum)

16:30  Toxicity and gene expression: hunting the PSP toxin genes in Alexandrium minutum

Ines Yang, Uwe John and Allan Cembella (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven)


19:00 - 22:00           Buffet & quiz night  (James White Suite, The Hawthorns)


5th January


Special Session - Use of Novel Phycological Tools


09:00  Introduction to session
            Jan Krokowski (Scottish Environment Protection Agency)

09:05  Diatom indices and the Water Framework Directive 

Martyn Kelly (Bowburn Consultancy)

09:35  The Water Framework Directive and lake phytoplankton: delivering tools for data integrity, ecological understanding and classification

Laurence Carvalho (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)

10:05  Phytoplankton Analysis, SEPA and the Water Framework Directive

Kev Kennington and R. Park (Scottish Environment Protection Agency)


Coffee 10:35


11:00  Are molecular tools useful for environmental monitoring

D.Roberts and T.Daniell (Scottish Crop Research Institute)

11:30  Remote Sensing for the Monitoring and Management of Cyanobacterial Blooms in Lakes

Peter D. Hunter (University of Stirling)



Session A - Offered papers

12:10  A Comparison of Glycerol Leakage by Three Strains of the Unicellular Green Alga Dunaliella (Volvocales, Chlorophyceae)

Naif Al-Harbi and D. James Gilmour (University of Sheffield)

12:30  Development of new diatom based monitoring tools for the Water Framework Directive- some options and issues

Fisher, J., Deflandre-Vlandas, A., Coste, M., Delmas, F. and H.P. Jarvie (Liverpool John Moores University)

12:50  Toxins and algal metabolites in the Great Lakes: detection, risks and controls

            Susan Watson (National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada)



Session B - Offered papers

12:10  Homeostasis, Regulation and Acclimation: Roles in Algal Ecology and Evolution

M Giordano, A Domeneighini, J A Raven (University of Dundee)

12:30  Rapid measurements of cell turgor pressure by gas vesicles of Microcystis sp. 

Daryl P. Holland, Peter Dunton and Anthony E. Walsby (University of Bristol)

12:50  Gliding motility and cell wall ultrastructure in Oscillatoria

Dave G. Adams, Toby Tatsuyama-Kurk, Simon O'Connell and Neil Thomson (University of Leeds)


13:10             Lunch


Session A - Offered papers

14:00  High rates of photosynthesis on glaciers: importance to the global carbon cycle      

Alexandre M. Anesio, Andrew Hodson, Roland Psenner and Birgit Sattler (University of Bristol)

14:20  Competition or Coexistence?  Lake Baikal's planktonic diatoms.

Jewson, D. H. & N. Granin  (University of Ulster)

14:40 Production of dimethylsulphide and dimethylsulphoniopropionate by dinoflagellates

Amandine Caruana, , Michael Steinke, Sue Turner, Gill Malin (University of East Anglia)

15:00  Variation in dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) production and dimethylsulphide (DMS) release in coccolithophores 

Daniel Franklin, Michael Steinke, Gill Malin (University of East Anglia)

15:20  Free fatty acid release as a defence pathway in the marine diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Andrew P. Desbois, Gary S. Caldwell, Malcolm Baptie and Valerie J. Smith (University of St. Andrews)

15:40  Archived plankton samples reveal changes in Emiliania huxleyi assemblages and associated viruses over a 32 year period

            Steven J. Ripley, Andrea C. Baker, Peter I. Miller, Anthony W. Walne, Anthony J. Richardson & Declan C. Schroeder (The Marine Biological Association)


Session B - Offered papers

14:00  Comparison of the CP12 protein sequence between algae and higher plants

 Rene Groben, Brigitte Gontero, Christine Raines & Bernard Offmann (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)

14:20  Comparison of regulation of Calvin cycle enzymes in algae

Brigitte Gontero, Stephen Maberly & Jenny Erales (BIP, CNRS, Marseille)

14:40  Systematics of Desmodesmus and Scenedesmus: a conundrum?

E. Wilk-Wozniak, E. Shubert (Institute of Nature Conservation, PAS)

15:00  Life history studies reveal that diatom species may not be what they seem to be

Dawn T. Rose & Eileen J. Cox (The Natural History Museum)

15:20  Ubiquitous dispersal of microbes: fact or fiction?

            Katharine M. Evans, Victor A. Chepurnov, Sindu Thomas and David G. Mann (Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh)

15:40  Character and relaxed molecular clock study of ancient cyanobacterial traits

Patricia Sanchez-Baracaldo and Carrine E. Blank (University of Bristol)



Tea 16:00



16:30 - 17:30           BPS AGM


17:30 - 18:30           BPS Council Meeting

19:30 - 23:00           Conference Dinner & Auction (Jurys Hotel, Prince Street, Bristol)




1)  A subset of GAF domains are evolutionarily conserved sodium sensors.

Ravi K. Asthana and Martin J. Cann (University of Durham)


2)  Investigating blooms of Mycrocystis in Luxhay Reservoir in the UK: preliminary findings

Ana Castro (University of Bristol)


3)  The effect of macroalgal morphological complexity on sediment trapping capacity - preliminary findings.

Helen Churchill, Michelle Tobin, Sue Hull (Centre for Environmental and Marine Sciences, University of Hull)


4)  CYANONET, a Global Cyanobacterial Blooms and Cyanotoxins Situation Exercise, with Recommendations Arising 

Geoffrey A. Codd, Sandra M.F.O. Azevedo, Suvendra N. Bagchi, Michael D. Burch, Wayne W. Carmichael, William R. Harding, Tomasz Jurczak, Kunimitsu Kaya, Hans C. Utkilen and Fiona M. Young (University of Dundee)


5)  An embedding and etching technique for examining the 3D structure of diatoms with SEM

Andrew Carr & Eileen J. Cox (The Natural History Museum)


6)  Effects of increased CO2 on growth rate, on gene expression in Thalassiosira pseudonana and on calcification in Emiliania huxleyi 

Katharine Crawfurd,  Ian Joint,  John Raven,  Glen Wheeler,  Martin Muhling (Plymouth Marine Laboratory)


7)  Bioinformatics, genomics and the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa

Day JG, Campbell CN, Gachon CMM,  Pröschold T, Saxon R, & Küpper FC (Scottish Association for Marine Science)


8)  Bioactive compounds from a novel Egyptian cyanobacterium

Nermin Adel El Semary (Helwan University, Cairo)


9)  Disturbingly undesirable blooms

J. Foden, M.J. Devlin, D.K. Mills & S.J. Malcolm (University of East Anglia)


10)  Distribution and dispersal of the invasive marine alga, Sargassum muticum: a molecular approach to a management problem

Hallas, P., Brazier, P., Harper, G., Johnson, T., Wyn, G. (University of Glamorgan)


11)  Detection and control of cyanobacteria in Yorkshire Water reservoirs

Robert S. Iredale, David G. Adams (University of Leeds)


12)  Phytoplankton of Loch Lomond

Jan Krokowski (Scottish Environment Protection Agency)


13)  Phytochelatin and glutathione production in Fucus serratus (Phaeophyceae) on exposure to elevated cadmium concentrations

SJ Lee, MT Brown, ME Donkin & B Pawlik-Skowronska (University of Plymouth)


14)  Control of algal biofouling on coastal man-made structures

Mahon AM1, Maggs CA1, Johnson MP1, Basheer M2 (Queen's University Belfast)


15)  The Impacts of Environmental Change in two Major Irish Lakes on the Occurrence of Algal Toxins

Karen Mooney, Prof. Chris Elliott, Dr Bob Foy, Dr Jack Hamilton (Queen's University, Belfast)


16)  Influence of salinity, temperature, dissolved inorganic carbon and nutrient concentrations on the photosynthesis and growth of Fucus vesiculosus from the Baltic and Irish Sea

Charlotta A. Nygård & Matthew J. Dring (Mid Sweden University)


17)  The distribution of Alexandrium species in the British Isles - an update

Linda Percy and Jane Lewis (University of Westminster)


18)  Ultrasonic bath effects on growth and photosynthetic activity of Microcystis aeruginosa

Diane Purcell, Simon Parsons and Bruce Jefferson (Cranfield University)


19)  C4 Photosynthesis in a Marine Diatom?

E Granum, K Roberts, J A Raven, RC Leegood (University of Dundee at SCRI)


20)  "Cooking up a Storm with Seaweeds ...from Irish Shores" - Extracts from a forthcoming seaweed Cookbook

Dr Prannie Rhatigan, supported by BIM and Bord Bia


21)  Differential susceptibility of Ectocarpus (Phaeophyceae) to the oomycete pathogen Eurychasma dicksonii - a real-time PCR study 

Martina Strittmatter, Claire MM Gachon and Frithjof C. Küpper (Scottish Association for Marine Science)


22)  Effect of pH on the production of carbohydrates by a marine planktonic diatom Chaetoceros muelleri

Daniel C. O. Thornton (Texas A&M University)


23)  Poor quality shores to calibrate the EC Water Framework Directive.

Martin Wilkinson, Emma Wells, Paul Wood, Clare Scanlan, Sharon Woolsey (Herriot-Watt University, Edinburgh)


24)  Emiliania huxleyi and it viruses: a novel infection strategy revealed

Charlotte Worthy, Matt Hall, Roy Moate and Declan C. Schroeder (University of Plymouth, MBA)
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