[Lista-Algas] CANADA: Postdoctoral position in Biology of non-indigenous Diatoms
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 19:18:15 ART 2007
*Postdoctoral position in Biology of non-indigenous Diatoms *
We seek applications for an opening in biology of non-indigenous
diatoms. This position is at the Postdoctoral level. The project is a
part of the Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network (CAISN) research
program funded by NSERC to examine temporal changes in genetic
variability of aquatic invasive species (AIS) brought to Canada in
ships' ballast waters. The goal is to identify key factors that affect
survival and establishment of ship-transported diatoms. More information
about Mount Allison research and CAISN can be found at
http://www.mta.ca/~iehrman/ <http://www.mta.ca/%7Eiehrman/> and at
http://www.uwindsor.ca/CAISN, Theme 1, project 1.2, plankton survival
The ideal candidates will have proven experience in biochemistry and
microbial molecular biology. Knowledge of diatoms will be an asset but
is not essential. Initial support will be for 12 months, with the
possibility of continuation pending satisfactory performance.
To apply, please send a curriculum vitae, thesis abstract and/or
representative publications and contact information for three academic
references to Dr. Irena Kaczmarska, Department of Biology, Mount Allison
University, 63B York Street, Sackville, N.B. E4L 1G7, Canada, e-mail
address: iehrman at mta.ca <mailto:iehrman at mta.ca>.
Review of applications starts immediately and will continue until the
position is filled. Preferred starting date is January-February 2008, or
as negotiated.
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