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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Competition for graduate students to attend Canadian university - Research studies scholarships

Diana Varela dvarela at
Tue Nov 6 01:01:01 ART 2007

Estimados colegas,

Por favor lean la nota al pie de este mensaje.  Esta es una excelente  
oportunidad para estudiantes de maestria o doctorado en la Argentina  
que tengan interes en una pasantia en una universidad Canadiense.   
Fijense en la siguiente website:

La beca es de $10,000 por una pasantia de 4 a 6 meses (que debe  
comenzar antes del 15 de marzo del 2008) y cubre todos los gastos  
(pasaje y estadia).

El estudiante interesado debe contactar al profesor/profesora  
canadiense con quien desea hacer la pasantia y el cientifico  
canadiense realiza la postulacion antes del 17 de diciembre.


Diana Varela

Dr. Diana E. Varela
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology & School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of Victoria
P.O. Box 3020 - Station CSC
Victoria, B.C. V8W 3N5 Canada

Tel: 250-472-5425
Fax: 250-721-7120 (Biology) or 721-6200 (SEOS)
E-mail: dvarela at

2007 2nd Competition for Students’ Exchange Program

The Government of Canada is seeking applications from Canadian  
publicly funded institutions for the 2007 Graduate Students' Exchange  
Program (GSEP) (including the Canada-Caribbean Community Leadership  
Scholarships and the Canada-Chile Leadership Exchange Scholarships)  
to provide international students with six-month research/studies  
scholarships at Canadian institutions.
NOTE: If there is no existing graduate exchange, please note that we  
will also consider graduate research applications which involve a new  
or established collaboration between a professor from a Canadian and  
foreign university that may develop into an institutional partnership.
Please draw it to the attention of Exchange Programs officers and  
others who may be interested.
Information and online application is available at:  http://  Please note that the Canadian  
institution must apply on behalf of the student.
DEADLINE is December 17, 2007.
If you have questions, please contact me at jpalka at
Julita Palka

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