Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Diatomist Meeting

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Fri Jul 27 14:34:48 ART 2007

26th Meeting of the French-speaking Diatomists Association (ADLaF)
Portugal, Aveiro University, from 5th to 8th September 2007
Information and registration form:
Deadline to send the summaries (and registration form): August 1st, 2007
E-mail: adlaf2007 at
ADLaF web site:
Best wishes,
Organization committee of the 26th Meeting ( adlaf2007 at )
Salomé Almeida, António Calado, Sandra Craveiro, Eduardo Ferreira da Silva, Frédéric Rimet & Luc Ector
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