Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Beca doctoral en Palaeolimnologia

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Tue Jul 3 12:29:51 ART 2007

Doctoral Scholarship in Palaeolimnology
EPA Scholarship #2007-PhD-B-2

Closing date for applications:            31st July 2007

Start date:      Preferably before October 1st 2007 (or asap thereafter)

Stipend:          €16,000 per annum 

Dr. Catherine Dalton Department of Geography, University of Limerick (Mary Immaculate College) & Dr. Elvira de Eyto (Marine Institute, Newport)

Palaeolimnological assessment of recent ecosystem disturbance / regime shifts in sediment cores from ecotonal brackish lake systems


This project will examine the recent palaeolimnology of two brackish lake systems to elucidate ecosystem disturbance via regime shifts which are of particular relevance given the future (predicted) warmer climate.  Specifically the project will quantify the salinity and nutrient response in the fossil diatom, cladoceran and foraminifera records. These results will be supplemented by quantification of the organic isotope ratio (C:N) in the sediment record in an effort to establish changes in allochthonous and authochonous sediment inputs. 


Applications are invited for the above Doctoral Scholarship. For full project details please contact Dr. Catherine Dalton (catherine.dalton at 


Candidates must have or expect to gain a First or strong Upper Second class degree, in Geography, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Geology or a related subject. A recognised MSc degree in environmental or climatic change would be an advantage, as would a full clean driving licence.


Applicants for the PhD scholarships should send a copy of their curriculum vitae, including names of at least 2 referees, to: 


Dr. Catherine Dalton

Department of Geography

University of Limerick (Mary Immaculate College)

South Circular Road



Tel:  +353 61 204931

Fax: +353 61 313632

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