Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP


Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Wed Jan 10 13:30:25 ART 2007


Monday 11 June - Friday 15 June 2007

Venue:    Martin Ryan Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway
Organiser:  Dr David M. John (Marie Curie Fellow, MRI) 

The course aims to provide a broad training in the identification of all groups of freshwater algae with the focus on those common in Ireland, important for environmental monitoring and assessing the 'ecological status' of waters, as well as on harmful and nuisance forms. 
The programme begins at 0915 on the Monday and at 0900 on other days. The mix of lectures and practicals runs from 0900 to 1800 on all days except Friday when the course formally ends at 1600. An afternoon field trip will provide an opportunity to demonstrate sampling methods and therefore participants are advised to bring appropriate clothing. Several identification aids will be used including multi-access identification keys (CDs), image database web sites and The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles  (2002, eds John, Whitton, Brook). Some participants might wish to bring their own portable computers to practice using the identification CDs.


Dr David John will give the majority of the lectures and Dr Bernadette Ni Chatháin will run the one-day diatom programme. Dr Ciarán Loughnane and other algal specialists will assist from time to time.


The course is designed for those who have little or no experience identifying freshwater algae. Catered for during practical sessions will be the needs of those who have some prior knowledge of  All participants will receive a manual in advance of the course along with a detailed programme. Further material will be handed out during the course. Locally collected samples will be used although participants are encouraged to bring fresh samples (if possible) from their own areas
The Martin Ryan Institute is in Galway city and therefore ideally placed for running a freshwater algal training course. Immediately to the north lies Connemara where loughs and the thousands of boggy pools associated with extensive areas of blanket bog form some of most desmid-rich waters in the British Isles. To the south  lies the Burren whose alkaline waters are ideal for blue-green algae, stoneworts, diatoms and other algal groups. Subaerial algae will be considered briefly since evident throughout this part of Ireland due to the relatively wet and mild climate.

Cost  The inclusive charge of EUR200 covers training,  documentation, other incidentals, lunch as well as tea and coffee.  Accommodation is not included in the cost and therefore participants need to make their own hotel reservations and arrangements for evening meals. A list of local B & Bs and hotels can be provided on request. For comprehensive tourist information about Galway, see the website  

Full-time students can apply to the British Phycological Society for a contribution towards the course cost, but must be members of the Society. Details of how to apply for a student award are given on the BPS web site 
(deadline for applications: 1 March). 

Booking provisional and firm reservations for one of the 15 places should be made by email to david.john at <mailto:david.john at>  followed by an official order or a formal letter addressed to Dr David John, The Martin Ryan Institute, NUI, Galway. Payment is required by 1 May 2007. A full refund will be made to anyone paying early but who cancels before that date. A 50% refund will be given to anyone who cancels after 20 May due to unforeseen circumstances.  

For further information contact david.john at <mailto:david.john at> , phone 091-493200 (office) or  0872553909 (mobile); if phoning from outside Ireland use 00353 and remove the first '0'. 
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