Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] CURSO: Biodiversity of Marine Algae

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Wed Feb 14 15:42:58 ART 2007

Course Announcement:

Biodiversity of Marine Algae,  (June 11 - June 29, 2007)
Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, Bamfield, British Columbia

This 3-week immersion course will introduce students to the 
taxonomic, morphological, and functional diversity of seaweeds, with 
an emphasis on the flora of the west coast of North America. We will 
also touch on ecological adaptations to life in the intertidal, 
evolutionary history, cultural and economic importance of algae, 
invasive algae, and patterns and consequences of anthropogenic 
stressors on seaweed assemblages. Students will undertake a herbarium 
project and the final week will be dedicated to group projects. 
Students should expect to spend a good deal of time in the field, 
including a short camping trip.

PREREQUISITES: Introductory course in non-vascular plants with third 
year standing or permission of the instructor.

INSTRUCTOR: Colin Bates, University of British Columbia

Courses offered at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre are open to 
senior undergraduates, graduate students and other qualified persons. 
This three-week course carries credit equivalent to one half-year 
university course

Registration deadline is March 2, 2007

To register, visit
Registration form:
or contact University Program Coordinator Tara MacDonald, 
250-728-3301, university at 
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