Listas de Correo
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Fwd: [Alumnos_UNP] PhD Scholarship and Post-Doctoral fellowship in algae culture for biofuels

Patricia Centuri�n Araujo pato_centu at
Mon Dec 17 16:39:09 ART 2007

--- "Rodrigo J. Gonçalves" <romadryn at> wrote:

> To: LISTA Alumnos_UNP
> <Alumnos_UNP at>
> From: "Rodrigo J. Gonçalves" <romadryn at>
> Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 07:47:55 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: [Alumnos_UNP] PhD Scholarship and
> Post-Doctoral fellowship in algae culture for
> biofuels
> PhD Scholarship and Post-Doctoral fellowship in
> algae culture for
> biofuels
> Are you interested in helping develop the future of
> renewable fuels?
> The positions are for a large interdisciplinary
> project developing
> the large-scale commercial culture of saline
> microalgae for the
> production of biofuels in Western Australia . The
> specific part of
> the project the applicants will be involved in
> involves algae
> culture from the lab scale to the pilot plant scale
> and involves
> detailed characterisation of selected algae strains
> for their
> suitability for large-scale culture, optimisation of
> culture
> conditions, development of culture maintenance
> protocols and
> assessment of long-term productivities and lipid
> yields. Some work
> on culture system design and construction will also
> be involved.
> Applicants should be practically inclined and
> `hands-on', preferably
> with a good background in microbiology, plant
> physiology and/or
> applied phycology. An ability top work as part of a
> large team and
> in relatively remote locations outside of Perth is
> essential.
> The positions are expected to start at about the
> beginning of March
> 2008.
> Applications should be send to:
> Professor Michael Borowitzka
> Biological Sciences & Biotechnology
> Murdoch University ,
> Murdoch , WA 6150
> Australia
> Email: m.borowitzka@ au
> No later than the 25 January 2008.
> Professor Michael A. Borowitzka
> President of Academic Council
> Murdoch University
> Murdoch, WA 6150
> tel: (08) 9360 2333
> fax: (08) 9360 6830
> email: m.borowitzka@ au
> secretary: (08) 9360 6902
> ________________________
> Rodrigo J. Gonçalves
> Igualdad - Equality
> Libertad - Freedom
> ________________________
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