[Lista-Algas] 6 LIBROS
Andres Boltovskoy
anboltov at fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
Thu Aug 23 16:08:10 ART 2007
MessageVa una lista de libros relacionados con algas que ofrece Balogh International Inc - algunos ya conocidos por ustedes por envíos anteriores...
New Books
Algae and Cyanobacteria in Extreme Environments. Series: Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, Vol. 11. Joseph Seckbach. Due October 2007. ISBN: 978-1-4020-6111-0. Approx. 450 pp. Hardcover. $349.00
Algae and Cyanobacteria in Extreme Environments is a unique collection of essays, contributed by leading scientists from around the world, devoted to algae - and some related microbes - observed in unexpected harsh habits, which it seems are an oasis or Garden of Eden for these organisms. This timely book on Extremophilic alga, including its especially impressive micrographs, may provide clues about the edges of life on Earth and possibly elsewhere in the universe.
Defining locations from the anthropomorphic point of view, the environments explored ranges from severe and distant to "normal" places. The algae discussed, microbial oxygenic phototrophs, are classified into various categories according to their habitats. They thrive in various temperature ranges, at the limits of pH values, in salt solutions, under UV radiation, dryness, heavy metals, anaerobic niches, under various levels of illuminations, and under hydrostatic pressure. Authors discuss bio-diversely algal territories ecologically - the hot springs with the thermophiles or acido-thermophiles; Antarctica, the Artic, and permafrost zones with their cold lovers (Psychrophiles); soda lakes with the alkaliphiles, saltine areas with halophiles. In addition to general essays, Algal species discussed in detail include diatoms, Cyanidium, Galdieria, Dunaliella, and Chroococcidiopsis.
Algae of Australia: The Marine Benthic Algae of Lord Howe Island and the Southern Great Barrier Reef. 1: Green Algae. Algae of Australia Series. Gerald T Kraft. Due September 2007. ISBN: 9780643094321. 356 pp. Hardcover. $135.00
Lord Howe Island, an oceanic outcrop of volcanic origin situated between Australia and New Zealand, is fringed by the world's southernmost consolidated coral reef. The Capricorn Group of the southern Great Barrier Reef is a series of patch reefs and low coral cays. For more than 30 years Dr Kraft, along with his students and colleagues, has studied the species-rich marine algal communities of these reefs, paying special attention to subtidal habitats. This authoritative account, documenting the green algae of Lord Howe Island and the southern Great Barrier Reef, will, in due course, be followed by treatments of the brown and red algae.
This volume includes 7 orders, 18 families, 41 genera and 135 species and infraspecific taxa of benthic green algae. Richly illustrated with photographs, many of them in colour, the volume includes an introduction to the islands, identification keys to genera and species and a comprehensive description and discussion of each taxon. The genus Botryodesmis (Udoteaceae) is newly described, as are species of Boergesenia, Botryodesmis, Bryopsis, Chaetomorpha, Cladophora, Cladophoropsis, Codium, Halimeda, Pseudochlorodesmis, Ulva and Ulvella.
Monitoring of Harmful Algae Blooms. L. Pettersson. Now Due October 2007. ISBN: 978-3-540-22892-9. Approx. 300 pp. Hardcover. $129.00
Sometimes known as "Red Tides", harmful algae blooms are made up of a wide variety of phytoplankton species at large in the World's oceans. However, they produce toxins which can harm marine life, and in certain circumstances, these harmful algae blooms can even cause illness or death in humans. Shellfish filter-feed on phytoplankton and concentrate their toxins in their bodies - and people who eat them can contract life-threatening food poisoning. A number of countries have monitoring programs to measure the presence of toxins in algae blooms. This crucial and timely work concentrates on the research techniques that are used to monitor visible algae blooms and through remote sensing, including infrared techniques, predict them through mathematical modeling. Drawing on current and future satellite data, the book presents visible perspectives on a more efficient HAB monitoring system for the future. It also emphasizes practical applications, impacting on marine ecology, national economy, health, food and safety and quality assurance.
Encyclopedia of Tidepools and Rocky Shores. Mark W. Denny. Due Spetember 2007. ISBN: 978-0-520-25118-2. 735 pp., 512 color illustrations, 202 line illustrations, 22 tables. Hardcover. $95.00
Tidepools and rocky shores are among the most physically stressful environments on earth. When the tide is high, waves can sweep over plants and animals at velocities as high as 60 miles per hour, while at low tide, the same organisms dry up and bake in the sun. Yet despite this seeming inhospitality, tidepools and rocky shores are exceptionally complex and biologically diverse. This comprehensive encyclopedia is an authoritative, one-stop reference for everyone interested in the biology and ecology of this fascinating and uniquely accessible environment. Conveniently arranged alphabetically, nearly 200 wide-ranging entries written in clear language by scientists from around the world provide a state-of-the-art picture of tidepools and rocky shore science. From Abalones, Barnacles, and Climate Change through Seagrasses, Tides, and Wind, the articles discuss the animals and plants that live in tidepools, the physics and chemistry of the rocky shore environment, the ecological principles that govern tidepools, and many other interdisciplinary topics.
Stream Ecology: Structure and Function of Running Waters. 2nd ed. J. David Allan. Due August 2007. ISBN: 978-1-4020-5582-9. 436 pp. Softcover. $89.95
Stream Ecology: Structure and Function of Running Waters is designed to serve as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, and as a reference source for specialists in stream ecology and related fields. The Second Edition is thoroughly updated and expanded to incorporate significant advances in our understanding of environmental factors, biological interactions, and ecosystem processes, and how these vary with hydrological, geomorphological, and landscape setting.
The broad diversity of running waters - from torrential mountain brooks, to large, lowland rivers, to great river systems whose basins occupy sub-continents - makes river ecosystems appear overwhelming complex. A central theme of this book is that although the settings are often unique, the processes at work in running waters are general and increasingly well understood.
Even as our scientific understanding of stream ecosystems rapidly advances, the pressures arising from diverse human activities continue to threaten the health of rivers worldwide. This book presents vital new findings concerning human impacts, and the advances in pollution control, flow management, restoration, and conservation planning that point to practical solutions.
The Middle Paraná River: Limnology of a Subtropical Wetland. M.H. Iriondo. 2007. ISBN: 978-3-540-70623-6. 382 pp., 128 illustrations. Hardcover. $199.00
This is an important and fascinating glimpse into one of the world's most undisturbed ecosystems. The Middle Paraná river in South America is one of the largest in the world, and is incredibly rich in both fauna and flora. This book, with well over a hundred illustrations, covers the lot. All the key aspects of the Middle Paraná's fluvial limnology and ecology are fully explored. What you'll find here is the knowledge base that has been accrued over forty years of dedicated research by scientists at the Instituto Nacional de Limnología in Argentina. This internationally renowned institution is almost exclusively devoted to the exploration of the Middle Paraná, the most important 600-km-long reach of the river. This brilliant book covers all the key aspects of the Paraná's fluvial limnology and ecology, arranged in discrete and easily navigable sections. First, the physical and chemical environment is explained, then the river's plant life, followed by its invertebrate life, and finally the vertebrates that inhabit the river.
TO place an order, please send me an email with your complete mailing (street) address and method of payment. Thanks,
Scott Balogh
Balogh International Inc
1911 N. Duncan Rd, Champaign, Illinois 61822 USA
ph: +1 217 355 9331; fax: +1 217 355 9413
Please note: we do not sell books on approval, thus there are no returns. If you need more information, just ask.
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