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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] INDIA: Applications for Ph.D programme in seaweeds

Andres Boltovskoy anboltov at
Thu Apr 26 13:33:34 ART 2007

 I am glad to inform you that India is going to launch a major National  programme on large scale seaweeds cultivation and utilization  from July 2007 .Initially we have identified 4 different seaweeds (Gracilaria sp,Kappaphycus alvarezii,Porphyra vietnamensis and Sargassum.These taxa will be cultivated in multiple locations in different agroclimatic conditions. Presently large scale Kappaphycus cultivation is being promoted by a multinational company in India which is restricted to only one provinces.India has a long coastline of more than 7500KM and some beautiful group of islands like Lakshadweep and Andaman Nicober group.

The main purpose of this programme is to provide sustainable livelihood to the coastal community.Besides fulfilling the industrial demands our major emphasis will be to provide Food and Nutritional security to undernourished  women and children.

This will be a very challenging and exciting programme.Applications are invited from young and enthusiastic researchers to enrol in  Ph.D programme for the academic session starting in July 2007.The candidates should be willing to work mostly in the field in the coastal areas and stay with the local community.We will be tying with some reputed NGOs and Self Help Group for this programme.It will be very exciting programme to work within the community. The candidates will be registered for the Ph.D programme in Delhi University one of the biggest and most reputed academic institution in the country and abroad.Send your detailed Biodata to the undersigned as soon as possible.All Foreign students applying for this programme must send 2 letters of recommendations. 

Thanking You 

Sincerely Yours 

Dr.Dinabandhu Sahoo 

Secretary,Indian Phycological Society
Marine Biotechnology Laboratory 
Department of Botany 
University of Delhi 
Delhi -110007,INDIA 

Phone-91 11 27666792(Lab) 91 11 25085487(Home) 
Fax -91 11 27666792 
Email:dbsahoo at 
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