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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] PhD and MSc studentships in dinocyst studies

Andrés Boltovskoy anboltov at
Mon Nov 20 14:42:50 ART 2006

Funded Research Studentships in Plio-Pleistocene Dinocyst 
Ecology and Paleoceanography
Deadline: December 15th

Two funded research studentships (one PhD and one MSc) are available 
in dinocyst studies, starting in January 2007. Dinocysts are now 
used frequently in quantitative reconstructions of later Quaternary 
marine environments, especially at higher latitudes where calcareous 
microfossil assemblages decline in diversity. However, using 
dinocysts to reconstruct many earlier Quaternary and Pliocene 
environments is hindered by the increasing presence of extinct 
species and unusual species associations. The challenge is to 
understand the environmental significance of these older 
assemblages, thereby extending backwards in time the utility of 
dinocysts for quantitative environmental analysis.
The research will examine the dinocyst record at very 
high stratigraphic resolution across several time intervals of 
critical paleoclimatic interest for the Pliocene and Pleistocene. 
Material will be examined from across the North Atlantic region, 
based on existing deep-sea core material. Assemblages will be 
uniquely calibrated throughout by obtaining stable isotopes and Mg/Ca 
ratios to serve as fully independent proxies for climate change, and 
allow precise tuning to an orbital timescale. Results will address 
the dynamics of late Cenozoic climate, especially at higher latitudes 
where dinocyst reconstructions of sea-ice cover and seasonality will 
provide new insights into the timing and causes of Northern 
Hemisphere glaciations.
The PhD student will be registered through the Department 
of Geology, University of Toronto. The two-year MSc research student 
will be registered through the Department of Earth Sciences, Brock 
University. Training will be given in dinocyst morphology and 
taxonomy, paleoceanography, geochemistry and statistical analyses. 
DEADLINE for completed applications is December 15th (or until the 
position is filled). Applications should be submitted online by this 
deadline. For further information please contact:

Prof. Martin J. Head
Department of Earth Sciences
Brock University
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
mjhead at
Department of Geology
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Prof. Jörg Bollmann
Department of Geology
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
bollmann at
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