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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[Lista-Algas] Workshop on Harmful Algae

anboltov at anboltov at
Sat Dec 16 21:39:01 ART 2006

Call FOR Abstracts - 10th Canadian Workshop on Harmful Algae

The 10th Canadian Workshop on Harmful Algae
<>  will be held at the Maurice Lamontagne
Institute in Mont-Joli, Quebec, Canada, from May 9 to 11, 2007.
Further details and applications form at : http:// <http://>  HYPERLINK
" <> " <>

Abstract Submission Deadline: February 16, 2007
Registration Submission Deadline: April 5, 2007

The biannual Canadian Workshop on Harmful Algae is sponsored by the
Phycotoxins Working Group of the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans
(DFO). This series of workshops is Canada's premier forum focussed on the
problem of harmful algae. The Canadian Workshop on Harmful Algae is an ideal
opportunity for scientists and others to present their research and discuss
current topics in the field. The event also fosters networking and
partnerships at regional, national and international levels. In 2007, the
10th Canadian Workshop on Harmful Algae will include the following themes: *
the taxonomy, ecology and physiology of harmful algae; * the biogeography of
harmful algae and their dispersion vectors; * the impacts of climate
variability, climate change and other human activities on the proliferation
of harmful algae; * harmful algae monitoring and new observation systems; *
freshwater cyanobacteria; * toxin detection and analysis methods; *
mitigation measures.

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