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Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP

[coccoliths] Call for manuscript submissions for the September issue of the Journal of Nannoplankton Research

Denise Kulhanek denise.kulhanek at
Tue Jun 6 12:46:25 -03 2023

Dear nannoplankton community,

I hope everyone is enjoying the articles published in the March edition of the Journal of Nannoplankton Research ( <>). Many thanks again to Jackie Lees for her years of service to the JNR!

We have now joined Crossref and are working towards assigning DOIs to previously published JNR content. New manuscripts will be assigned a DOI at time of publication.

The editorial team and I are looking forward to finalising the next issue of the JNR, which will be published in September. We currently have two accepted manuscripts, one in revision, and one in review. We would REALLY like to have at least a couple more submissions for this issue and encourage you to submit your work as soon as possible if you would like it to be considered for this issue. The JNR is a great place to publish short papers, taxonomic notes, MSc theses, summaries of research cruise results, etc. If you have questions, please feel free to email me at denise.kulhanek at 

Instructions for submission can be found here: <> 

Manuscripts should be submitted to: JNR.submission at <mailto:JNR.submission at>

We look forward to hearing from you!

Denise & the JNR editorial team (Jon, Gonçalo, Xiang, Ines, and Odysseus)


Prof. Dr. Denise Kulhanek
Institute of Geosciences
Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
Ludewig-Meyn-Straße 14
24118 Kiel
Tel: +49 (0)431 880-2924
Fax: +49 (0)431 880-4376
denise.kulhanek at 

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