[coccoliths] Discoaster coccosphere
Isabella Raffi
isabella.raffi at unich.it
Thu Apr 20 07:20:12 -03 2023
I've never seen a Discoaster coccosphere, in 46 years spent in
analyzing nannofossil assemblages from Mediterranean and open
ocean...is it an utopia? 😱
"Self-Trail, Jean M" <jstrail at usgs.gov> ha scritto:
> Hey all,
> Has anyone ever seen (or published) a Discoaster coccosphere?? If
> so, do you have a reference?
> Cheers,
> Jean
> Jean M. Self-Trail, Ph.D.
> U.S. Geological Survey
> 926A National Center
> 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr.
> Reston, VA 20192
> 703-648-6013
> "You are not entitled to your opinion.
> You are entitled to your informed opinion.
> No one is entitled to be ignorant." --Harlan Ellison
Isabella Raffi, PhD h c
già Professore ordinario di Paleontologia e Paleoecologia
Senior Scientist at International Research School of Planetary Sciences-IRSPS
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia (InGeo)
Universita' degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara
Campus Universitario, via dei Vestini 31
66013 Chieti Scalo (Italy)
phone: (+39)08713556421
Independent Fellow member - Institute for Climate Change Solutions
(ICCS - www.i4ccs.com)
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