[coccoliths] Models of coccospheres
Emma Sheldon
es at geus.dk
Tue Mar 23 17:00:30 -03 2021
Dear everyone
I have had a query from a museum that I have no idea how to answer
...about the possibility of making model coccospheres, they have specified that they would like them to be grape, orange or football sized
they then ask
-how to get hold of or make models like this?
-are they modelled on photos?
-are there such models already? (I know Mario C has them made from silicone)
-does 3D data exist that can be used for 3D printing of different species?
if anyone can help, that would be great:-)
Emma Sheldon,
Biostratigrapher / Senior Researcher,
Stratigraphy Department,
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS),
Ă˜ster Voldgade 10,
DK 1350,
Copenhagen K,
Tel: 0045 9133 3712
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