[coccoliths] 9th International Chrysophyte Symposium (ICS9)
sh081 at kdw.kj.yamagata-u.ac.jp
sh081 at kdw.kj.yamagata-u.ac.jp
Sat Jul 16 01:25:10 ART 2016
Dear Nannoworkers
I would like to send a reminder about a forthcoming meeting
that some of you may have an interest in.
The 9th International Chrysophyte Symposium (ICS9) will be held in
Yamagata, Japan, from 11-15 Sept. 2016. This symposium deals not only
with the traditional groups (chrysophytes and synurophytes), but also
other siliceous microalgae and enigmatic siliceous microfossils, both
freshwater and marine. Some presentations on silicoflagellates and
siliceous haptophytes are expected.
The symposium is held every 4 years (the last one was in Prague in 2012)
and is usually attended by a wide range of specialists. The ICS9 website
can be found at:
The website includes a downloadable 2nd Circular document with which you
can register for the meeting. Early bird registration closes on 31 July
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me,
especially if you are thinking of attending.
Best wishes
Ric Jordan
Host and Chairman of the LOC
Yamagata University
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