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<DIV class=productDetail-title><FONT size=6 face=Calibri><STRONG>Handbook of
Marine Macroalgae: Biotechnology and Applied Phycology</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV class=productDetail-title>
<DIV class=productDetail-authors>Se-Kwon Kim</DIV></DIV></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>2011, 608 pgs, tela. 185,00 € + 4% de
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial><IMG
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lang=EN-GB><B>The Handbook of Macroalgae: Biotechnology and Applied Phycology
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lang=EN-GB>describes the biological, biotechnological and the industrial
applications of seaweeds. Vast research into the cultivation of seaweeds is
currently being undertaken but there is a lack of methodological strategies in
place to develop novel drugs from these sources. This book aims to rectify this
situation, providing an important review of recent advances and potential new
applications for macroalgae. Focusing on the chemical and structural nature of
seaweeds the book brings the potentially valuable bioactive nature to the fore.
Novel compounds isolated from seaweeds are reviewed to provide an invaluable
reference for anyone working in the field.</SPAN></DIV>
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<H1 style="LINE-HEIGHT: 20px">Biology of Polar Benthic Algae</H1>
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 20px">Christian Wiencke</DIV>
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 20px">2011, 356 pgs, tela. 152,00 € + 4% de
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 20px"><IMG style="WIDTH: 106px; HEIGHT: 142px"
src="cid:187F713858AC40508970AA4233131261@pc" width=106 height=130></DIV>
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 20px"><FONT size=2 face=Arial></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 20px">Synthesizes the current state of knowledge on the
biology of polar benthic marine algae and presents an outlook on their responses
to changing environmental conditions in polar regions. Topics treated include
environment, biodiversity and biogeography of micro- and macroalgae, including
an update of the knowledge of the red algal flora of Antarctica. It treats the
chemical ecology as well as the primary production and ecophysiology of polar
benthic algae with new information on the important contribution of benthic
microalgae to the productivity in costal areas.</DIV>
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 20px"><FONT size=2 face=Arial></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 20px"><FONT size=2 face=Arial></FONT> </DIV>
<H1 style="LINE-HEIGHT: 20px">Photosynthetic Pigments of Algae</H1>
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 20px">Kingsley S. Rowan </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>2011, 350 pgs, rust. 52,00 € +4% de
<DIV><IMG style="WIDTH: 102px; HEIGHT: 158px"
src="cid:F3711C7ED61C4CDE84A6F173DDFD6B28@pc" width=180 height=177></DIV>
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<DIV>This 1989 book deals with the physical and chemical properties found in
algae of different types (blue-green, red, golden-brown, yellow-green, brown and
green). Methods used for extracting and purifying the pigments and their value
in classifying the various types of algae are discussed in detail. This book
contains detailed tables of the physical properties of the pigments (absorption
and fluorescence-emission spectra and extinction coefficients), and brings
together data on the distribution of algal pigments in relation to hypotheses of
the evaluation of algae. It will be of value to anyone with an interest in
<DIV> </DIV>
<H1>Phytoplankton Pigments: Characterization, Chemotaxonomy and Applications in
<DIV> Suzanne Roy, Université du Québec, Rimouski . Carole Llewellyn,
Plymouth Marine Laboratory . Einar Skarstad Egeland, Bodø University
College, Norway . Geir Johnsen, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Trondheim </DIV>
<DIV>2011, 784 pgs, tela. 127,00 € + 4% de Iva</DIV>
<DIV><IMG style="WIDTH: 122px; HEIGHT: 171px"
src="cid:BC5E1E3A47DD4BE794A45E5470869583@pc" width=180 height=171></DIV>
<DIV>Pigments act as tracers to elucidate the fate of phytoplankton in the
world's oceans and are often associated with important biogeochemical cycles
related to carbon dynamics in the oceans. They are increasingly used in in situ
and remote-sensing applications, detecting algal biomass and major taxa through
changes in water colour. This book is a follow-up to the 1997 volume
Phytoplankton Pigments in Oceanography (UNESCO Press). Since then, there have
been many advances concerning phytoplankton pigments. This book includes recent
discoveries on several new algal classes particularly for the picoplankton, and
on new pigments. It also includes many advances in methodologies, including
liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and developments and updates on
the mathematical methods used to exploit pigment information and extract the
composition of phytoplankton communities. The book is invaluable primarily as a
reference for students, researchers and professionals in aquatic science,
biogeochemistry and remote sensing.</DIV>
<DIV class=catcont>
<DIV class=catcontTOC>
<H2>Table of Contents </H2>
<DIV class=continsert>
<P>List of contributors. Preface. Acknowledgements. List of symbols. Part I.
Chlorophylls and Carotenoids: 1. Microalgal classes and their signature pigments
S. W. Jeffrey, S. W. Wright and M. Zapata<BR>2. Recent advances in chlorophyll
and bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis R. J. Porra, U. Oster and H. Scheer. 3.
Carotenoid metabolism in phytoplankton M. Lohr. Part II. Methodology Guidance:
4. New HPLC separation techniques J. L. Garrido, R. L. Airs, F. Rodríguez, L.
Van Heukelem and M. Zapata. 5. The importance of a quality assurance plan for
method validation and minimizing uncertainties in the HPLC analysis of
phytoplankton pigments L. Van Heukelem and S. B. Hooker. Appendix: a symbology
and vocabulary for an HPLC lexicon S. B. Hooker and L. Van Heukelem. 6.
Quantitative interpretation of chemotaxonomic pigment data H. W. Higgins, S. W.
Wright and L. Schlüter. 7. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for pigment
analysis R. L. Airs and J. L. Garrido. 8. Multivariate analysis of extracted
pigments using spectrophotometric and spectrofluorometric methods J. Neveux, J.
Seppälä and Y. Dandonneau. Appendix: a proven simultaneous equation assay for
chlorophylls a and b using aqueous acetone and similar assays for recalcitrant
algae R. J. Porra. Part III. Water-Soluble 'Pigments': 9. Phycobiliproteins
K.-H. Zhao, R. J. Porra and H. Scheer. 10. UV-absorbing 'pigments':
mycosporine-like amino acids J. I. Carreto, S. Roy, K. Whitehead, C. Llewellyn
and M. O. Carignan. Part IV. Selected Pigment Applications in Oceanography: 11.
Pigments and photoacclimation processes C. Brunet, G. Johnsen, J. Lavaud and S.
Roy. 12. Pigment-based measurements of phytoplankton rates A.
Guttierez-Rodriguez and M. Latasa. 13. In vivo bio-optical properties of
phytoplankton pigments G. Johnsen, A. Bricaud, N. Nelson, B. B. Prézelin and R.
R. Bidigare. 14. Optical monitoring of phytoplankton bloom pigment signatures G.
Johnsen, M. A. Moline, L. H. Pettersson, J. L. Pinckney, D. V. Pozdnyakov, E. S.
Egeland and O. M. Schofield. Appendix: harmful algae toxins and pigments E. S.
Egeland. Part V. Future Perspectives: 15. Perspectives on future directions C.
Llewellyn, S. Roy, G. Johnsen, E. S. Egeland, M. Chauton, G. Hallegraeff, M.
Lohr, U. Oster, R. J. Porra, H. Scheer and K.-H. Zhao. Part VI. Aids for
Practical Laboratory Work: Appendix A. Update on filtration, storage and
extraction solvents J. L. Pinckney, D. F. Millie and L. Van Heukelem. Appendix
B. The pigment analyst's guide to HPLC hardware A. R. Neeley, C. S. Thomas, S.
B. Hooker and L. Van Heukelem<BR>Appendix C. Minimum identification criteria for
identifying phytoplankton pigments E. S. Egeland. Appendix D. Phytoplankton
cultures for standard pigments and their suppliers S. Roy, S. W. Wright and S.
W. Jeffrey. Appendix E. Commercial suppliers of phytoplankton pigments E. S.
Egeland and L. Schlüter. Part VII: Phytoplankton pigments data sheets E. S.
Egeland. Index.<BR></P>
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