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<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial><STRONG>Original Message:</STRONG> </FONT><FONT
size=2 face=Arial>From: "Henrik Enevoldsen" <</FONT><A
href="mailto:h.enevoldsen@BIO.KU.DK"><FONT size=2
face=Arial>h.enevoldsen@BIO.KU.DK</FONT></A><FONT size=2 face=Arial>>
</FONT><FONT size=2 face=Arial>To: <</FONT><A
href="mailto:PHYCOTOXINS@WWW.AGR.GC.CA"><FONT size=2
face=Arial>></FONT><FONT face=Arial><BR><FONT
size=2></FONT></FONT></DIV><FONT size=2
face=Arial>ANNOUNCEMENT:<BR> <BR>Cyanobacteria and Human Health: Merging
Ecology, Epidemiology and Neurologic Disorders <</FONT><A
size=2 face=Arial>> <BR><BR>4-6 August 2011 Bowdoin College, Brunswick Maine
<BR><BR>Bowdoin College is sponsoring a three-day workshop, preceded by a
one-day short course, focused on the linkages between marine and freshwater
cyanobacterial blooms, toxicity, and human health impacts. The goal of this
workshop is to bring together specialists in medicine, neurology, toxicology,
epidemiology, ecology, oceanography and limnology from medical, academic,
research, federal, state and tribal institutions to present and discuss the
current state of understanding at the crossroads of these diverse fields as they
relate to Cyanobacterial Blooms and Human Health. The objectives of this
workshop are three-fold: <BR><BR> <BR><BR>? Provide a synthesis of current
understanding within each field of the cyanobacteria and human health
connections; <BR><BR>? Generate synergistic collaborations between experts from
diverse fields to develop strategies for epidemiological investigations within
the context of environmental monitoring of compounds and organisms having
potentially harmful consequences to human health; <BR><BR>? Identify successes
and future challenges for the merging fields, particularly within the context of
environmental change and increasing global populations. <BR><BR>Workshop
Structure <BR><BR>The workshop will consist of invited plenary lectures in four
topical sessions, short invited talks aimed to introduce topics for panel
discussion, and contributed posters in all relevant areas. <BR><BR>Short Course
<BR><BR>With the goal of education and cross-fertilization, a one-day short
course will be held Wednesday 3 August 2011 at Bowdoin College. The course will
be taught by four instructors, focused on the topics of the four plenary
sessions. The lecturers will provide upper level undergraduate, graduate and
non-specialists with the background and vocabulary necessary to participate more
proactively in the workshop. <BR><BR>Poster Session<BR>Participants are
encouraged to submit a poster abstract. See the website for
information.<BR><BR>For Information and Registration <BR><BR></FONT><A
size=2 face=Arial><BR>Rosemary Armstrong<BR>Environmental Studies Program
Coordinator<BR>Coastal Studies Program Coordinator<BR>Bowdoin College<BR>6700
College Station<BR>Brunswick, ME 04011<BR>Phone: 207-725-3396<BR>Fax: