ANNOUNCEMENT: Special course: Taxonomy of Recent Dinophyceae by Malte Elbrächter Time: 14. November 2011 (arrival) - 24. November. 2011 (departure) Location: Wattenmeerstation Sylt of the Alfred Wegener Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung; Hafenstr. 43, D-25992 List/Sylt, Germany Registration: Registration dead-line: 15. June 2011 Participants: The course is restricted to 10 participants in order to ascertain individual training based on your own samples. We welcome all persons working or intending to work with dinoflagellates (students, technical assistants, scientists) with basic knowledge of dinoflagellates. Details and programme at: Henrik Enevoldsen Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae University of Copenhagen Marine Biological Section Øster Farimagsgade 2D 1353 Copenhagen K Denmark Visit the IOC HAB website IOC is the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO ******************************************************************** !!! Replies go to the sender !!! The address of this list is Should you require any assistance, contact Don Richard at or John White at To leave, send "signoff Phycotoxins" to Archives are located at