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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Hasan, M.R. and R. Chakrabarti<BR><STRONG>Use of
algae and aquatic macrophytes as feed in small-scale aquaculture. A review.
2009.</STRONG> (FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 531). 132 p.
gr8vo. Paper bd.<BR>This technical paper presents a global review on the use of
aquatic macrophytes as feed for farmed fish, with particular reference to their
current and potential use by small-scale farmers. The review is organized under
four major divisions of aquatic macrophytes: algae, floating macrophytes,
submerged macrophytes and emergent macrophytes. Under floating macrophytes,
Azolla, duckweeds and water hyacinths are discussed separately; the remaining
floating macrophytes are grouped together and are reviewed as other floating
macrophytes. The review covers aspects concerned with the production and/or
cultivation techniques and use of the macrophytes in their fresh and/or
processed state as feed for farmed fish. Efficiency of feeding is evaluated by
presenting data on growth, food conversion and digestibility of target fish
species. Results of laboratory and field trials and on-farm utilization of
macrophytes by farmed fish species are presented. The paper provides information
on the different processing methods employed (including composting and
fermentation) and results obtained to date with different species throughout the
world with particular reference to Asia. Finally, it gives information on the
proximate and chemical composition of most commonly occurring macrophytes, their
classification and their geographical distribution and environmental
requirements.PRICE:<BR>68.00 EURO<BR>US$
91.80<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>You are receiving this email because you
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