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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Enviado a Planktonnet</FONT></DIV>
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<P>Dear all,<BR><BR>I have received very sad news from Argentina. Sadly, Prof.
Enrique <BR>Balech passed away last August 26th. Prof. Balech is one the most
<BR>eminent plankton researcher in the world. He described more than 120 <BR>new
species of dinoflagellates, being after Kofoid and co-workers, <BR>the most
prolific author for this group. He performed detailed <BR>studies in the thecal
plates that are essential in the knowledge of <BR>genera such Protoperidinium,
Alexandrium, Dinophysis among others. <BR>He published numerous contributions in
tintinnids and oceanography.<BR>Dr. Rut Akselman-Cardella has kindly prepared a
brief biography (in <BR>Spanish).<BR>You can access the file at the URL:<BR><A
<BR><BR>It is a sad new for the plankton
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