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<DIV>The Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on
Charophytes<BR>(Robertson, Australia 2004)<BR>containing twelve papers concerned
with diverse aspects of charophyte research<BR>were just issued as a special
volume of Cryptogamie/Algologie<BR>Contents see at:<BR><A
purchase the volume (payment on-line) go to "Catalogue"<BR><A
wishes<BR><BR><BR>On behalf of the<BR>International Research Group on
Charophytes<BR><BR>Ingeborg Soulie-Marsche (president)<BR><BR>University
Montpellier II, C.P. 062<BR>Place E. Bataillon<BR>F - 34095 MONTPELLIER-Cedex
5<BR>FRANCE<BR><BR>IRGC-Website at: <A