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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>Courses of
interest to phycologists are being offered this summer at Iowa<BR>Lakeside
Lab.<BR><BR>ECOLOGY AND SYSTEMATICS OF DIATOMS<BR>This course is an intensive,
field-oriented class appropriate for advanced<BR>undergraduate students,
graduate students, and post graduate workers in<BR>ecology, geology,
environmental sciences, and diatom taxonomy. We will immerse<BR>ourselves in the
diverse aquatic habitats and fossil deposits of the Upper<BR>Midwest to observe
freshwater diatoms. Students will learn techniques in diatom<BR>collection,
preparation, and identification. Lectures will cover taxonomy,<BR>systematics
and biogeography of most freshwater genera. Students will complete<BR>individual
voucher collections using modern database techniques. Students are<BR>encouraged
to bring research materials. The use of diatoms in ecological
and<BR>paleoecological research will be discussed. Class size is limited to
ten<BR>students and early enrollment is encouraged. The Reimer Scholarship will
be<BR>awarded to one student based on scholastic merit. June 18 to July
13, 2007,<BR>taught by Mark Edlund and Sarah Spaulding.<BR><BR>ANALYSIS OF
ENVIRONMENTAL DATA<BR>Analysis of Environmental Data is an intensive 2-week
course that will provide<BR>students with training in the theory and application
of<BR>statistical techniques useful for the analysis of ecological
and<BR>paleoecological data. Topics will include data management,
exploratory data<BR>analysis, regression analysis, direct and indirect
ordination methods,<BR>classification techniques, transfer functions and the
analysis of temporal<BR>data. Practicals will provide hands-on training in the
use of statistical and<BR>graphical software including R, CANOCO, C2, and
TWINSPAN. The course will be<BR>directed towards advanced undergraduate,
graduate, and working professionals in<BR>ecology and paleoecology. Prereq: an
undergraduate course in statistics,<BR>understanding of basic concepts such as
correlation and regression, and<BR>familiarity with PC-based software for data
analysis. Class size is limited to<BR>15 students. Meets July 16-27, 2007,
taught by Steve Juggins. See<BR></FONT><A
face="Times New Roman"
face="Times New Roman" size=3> for further<BR>details and
syllabus.<BR><BR>FRESHWATER ALGAE<BR>Students in this course will investigate
freshwater algae of lakes, fens, and<BR>streams of northwest Iowa. We will
explore the diversity of photosynthetic<BR>microbes from an organismal
perspective and learn to integrate biological life<BR>histories with ecological
patterns. Field collections will be gathered daily<BR>and used to identify the
common phyla and genera of algae. We will gain<BR>practical experience and
skills to address environmental and economic concerns<BR>that stem from algae,
including beneficial and harmful algal growths. The class<BR>will develop a
group project, addressing a research question on the<BR>phytoplankton dynamics
of West Lake Okoboji. Meets May 21-June 15, 2007, taught<BR>by Jim
Fellowship was established in 2004 by colleagues,<BR>friends and family to honor
John's memory and to recognize the contributions he<BR>made to the study of
diatoms at Iowa Lakeside Laboratory. Each summer, an award<BR>will be made to
one advanced student or researcher to serve as teaching<BR>assistant for the
Ecology and Systematics of Diatoms course and to engage in a<BR>research
project. The fellowship includes a stipend and room and board at<BR>Lakeside and
is available to domestic and international students, at the<BR>graduate level or
advanced undergraduate level. Applicants should submit two<BR>copies of a cover
letter, CV, and statement of teaching, research, and career<BR>interests to
Friends of Lakeside Lab, Kingston Fellowship, Iowa Lakeside<BR>Laboratory, 1838
Hwy 86, Milford, Iowa 51351 USA, by February 15.<BR><BR>Merit Scholarships are
available through Iowa Lakeside Lab (deadline April 1)<BR>and the Hannah T.
Croasdale Fellowship through the Phycological Society of<BR>America (deadline
March 1). </FONT><A href="http://www.psaalgae.org/soc/croasdale.shtm"><FONT
face="Times New Roman"
face="Times New Roman" size=3>REGISTRATION AND CONTACTS:<BR></FONT><A
href="http://www.lakesidelab.org"><FONT face="Times New Roman"
size=3>http://www.lakesidelab.org</FONT></A><BR><BR><FONT face="Times New Roman"
size=3>Mark Edlund<BR>St. Croix Watershed Research Station<BR>Science Museum of
Minnesota<BR>16910 152nd St. N<BR>Marine on St. Croix MN 55047<BR></FONT><A
href="mailto:mbedlund@smm.org"><FONT face="Times New Roman"
size=3>mbedlund@smm.org</FONT></A><BR><BR><FONT face="Times New Roman"
size=3>Steve Juggins<BR>School of Geography, Politics &
Sociology<BR>University of Newcastle<BR>Newcastle upon Tyne<BR>NE1 7RU,
UK<BR></FONT><A href="mailto:Stephen.Juggins@ncl.ac.uk"><FONT
face="Times New Roman" size=3>Stephen.Juggins@ncl.ac.uk</FONT></A><BR><BR><FONT
face="Times New Roman" size=3>Sarah Spaulding<BR>Institute of Arctic &
Alpine Research<BR>Campus Box 450<BR>University of Colorado<BR>Boulder CO
80309<BR></FONT><A href="mailto:sarah.spaulding@colorado.edu"><FONT
face="Times New Roman"
face="Times New Roman" size=3>Jim Wee<BR>Department of Biological
Sciences,<BR>Loyola University,<BR>6363 St. Charles Ave.<BR>New Orleans LA
70118-6195<BR></FONT><A href="mailto:wee@loyno.edu"><FONT face="Times New Roman"